Thursday, December 4, 2008

Kelly's Korner TavernToy Drop off Center
909 E. Yorba Linda Blvd.Placentia, CA 92870ph: (714) 961 9396fax: (714) 996

We need your help to reach the poor this Christmas. The response has been overwhelming. The recent changes in the economy have left many families without food and the hope for a Christmas for their children. Help us with a gift of love and compassion by donating two used toys, one for a girl and the one for a boy. The ages are 1-13. Each gift will be use to make a difference during the economic strain on the local and surrounding communities. For more information visit our website for toy drive locations:

Purple Ark Ministries provides relief and transitional support for homeless, working poor and special needs families. Ministry efforts facilitate access to self-help resources within various communities during transition periods. It is the objective of Purple Ark ministries to provide adults, families and children with self-help tools and self-help programs to assist them in becoming productive citizens.